Tax-Efficient Investing.
A Critical Element
Our Financial Advisors have the experience and expertise to ensure your Financial Plan includes the best Tax Strategies.
It is not sufficient to speak only with a tax accountant. A Keybase Financial Advisor structures your portfolio to reap the greatest financial benefits.
Alternative Tax Strategies
Traditionally, RRSPs and RRIFs have been popular methods of deferring taxes. More recently, the Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) is becoming a very popular vehicle to avoid taxation. However, there are alternative strategies that you might want to consider which can have a dramatic effect on your retirement.

Investment Income
Borrowing to Invest

Income Splitting
Funding a Child’s Education

Registered Investments
Tax Shelters
Tax-Efficient Investing
Every investment decision has tax implications. Investing without this in mind is like pouring water in a bucket with a gaping hole in the bottom. Remember there are several tax strategies and other considerations that can help you decide where to place your investments for maximum tax efficiency.
A huge mistake many investors make is to wait until March or April to concern themselves with their taxes. Tax Planning is too important to ignore. To maximize your investments, speak with a Keybase Financial Advisor today.